Week 3

With most ponds iced over this week I spent some time trying to do some clean up for some of the common birds I’m still missing, and slowly but surely I’m approaching the 50 mark for both circles…

Salem Circle

Some interesting birds were had in Salem this week, the highlight being a presumed Thayer’s Gull that was seen in the Icenter parking lot! The Spicket River held some of the only open water in town and waterfowl congregations at a couple of spots were fun to pick through, but turned up nothing unusual.

Iceland Gull (Thayer’s)
Another great parking lot score — this rare subspecies of Iceland Gull was formerly considered a separate species until their recent lump (now Iceland Gull) in 2017. This is the first record for Salem and personally my first documented Thayer’s Gull.

Red-tailed Hawk (Northern) seen at Hawkin’s Farm. Very few NH records on eBird for abieticola, but records probably don’t reflect accurate abundance during winter months.

Bald Eagle – 3~ year old / yellow banded in Massachusetts seen near the former Rockingham Park area.

Total: 45

Plaistow Circle

Spent a couple of hours on Saturday poking around spots near the Merrimack River in MA looking to break the 50 mark. I picked up a lot of low-hanging fruit/common birds and a few nice surprises.

Evening Grosbeak – 2, flyovers calling were a first for me in MA and this circle, but better views desired.
Iceland Gull – 1 first cycle bird seen first in the Merrimack River near Rock’s Village Bridge, then later seen nearby at Kimball Farm.
Red-winged Blackbird
Winter Wren – a nice surprise but not unexpected, it seems like a good winter for them.
Cedar Waxwing – 72* in parking lot at state line

Total: 54
1 new species (EVGR)

*Patch Total: LBBG was added by including an additional personal location in my eBird patch.


Contact me at kyle.wilmarth[at]gmail.com