Week 1

Well, the first week of the 5MR challenge has come and gone and despite not having been able to spend a lot of time out, some good birds were had. Below are some highlights, enjoy!

Plaistow Circle Highlights
My weekend-warrior circle has gotten off to a slow start, but yesterday I was able to put in a little work and track down some good birds. Highlights include:

An adult male CANVASBACK among the waterfowl at Kenoza Lake in Haverhill was the highlight of the week. Other species includes both Lesser and Greater Scaup, Ring-necked Duck, Mute Swan, Canada Goose, along with Hooded and Common Mergansers. Other waterfowl highlights from the Merrimack River at Rock’s Village are: Red-breasted Merganser, Common Goldeneye, and Bufflehead.

Only Barred Owl and Great Horned Owl were had in the circle, despite an early morning effort for NSWO. More spots to check for them…

Another somewhat interesting sighting were a number of Turkey Vultures. Still considered rare in NH in winter, these birds have been overwintering in the region for years now.

Total Species: 35 / 1 new for me in patch (RBME)

Salem Circle Highlights
The week started off with this patch’s usual winter visitors, including not only one but two adult Iceland Gulls at Hedgehog Pond in Salem. There was another interesting gull in this flock that gave me pause — a pot-bellied 1st winter bird that superficially gave me Slaty-backed Gull vibes. After careful scrutiny of photos, feather-by-feather analysis, expert opinions, and more photo scrutiny the extraordinary claim of SBGU would be denied. It is certainly an interested Herring Gull none-the-less.


The winter crow flock has returned to Route 28 — a dozen or more Fish Crows were in the mix and unlike the rest of New Hampshire, Salem has them year-round.

Waterfowl highlights included a Common Goldeneye on the Spicket River in Salem and a pair of Ring-necked Ducks in the limited open water at World End Pond.

3 owl species were recorded this past week in my circle, and 2 obliged for a photo. Barred, Eastern Screech and Great Horned Owl.

Total Species: 33


Contact me at kyle.wilmarth[at]gmail.com