Thayer’s Gull in Salem

Another sweet parking lot score — this rare subspecies of Iceland Gull was formerly considered a separate species until their recent lump in 2017. This is the first record for Salem and personally my first documented Thayer’s Gull.

Iceland Gull (Thayer's)

Back in 2017 they lumped Thayer’s and Iceland Gull into simply — Iceland Gull. The lump means that Thayer’s Gull is no longer considered a separate species, so nobody cares about them as much as they did two years ago. Regardless, it is an amazing bird to see anywhere in the east let alone away from the coast in a Salem parking lot. Although not the most exciting, it is only the ~8th State Record, and certainly one of the rarest birds to be found in Salem.

One Response

  1. Sweet Find! Of course, I’ve only seen the Thayer’s out here on the Left Coast. Hoping to add Kumlein’s and Iceland types before the year is out.

    I’m missing out on the 5MR thing this year, as I’m focusing on expanding my ABA List, and I’ve pretty much seen most of what is likely in my own Olympia, Wash 5MR circle.

    Have fun this year, and good Birding!!


Contact me at kyle.wilmarth[at]