2015 Birdathon

UPDATE — This year’s Birdathon went off without a hitch and we were able to top our previous year’s totals and even break our goal of 105. We finished with 113 species and raised over $300 for NH Audubon Wildlife Sanctuaries. We’d like to send a huge thanks to our sponsors — expect an email from to choose your free 8×10 print of one of our photos!

Baltimore Oriole

We spent about half of our time in the Salem/Windham area and the other half at coastal locations. We ended our day at World End Pond at 8pm with 113 species.

Our numbers broke down to 67 species in Salem and 46 species at coastal locations.

Highlights included

And the misses are always fun to look back on…biggest misses:
Eastern Phoebe (there was one taunting me first thing this am)
Wild Turkey
Turkey Vulture
Yellow-rumped Warbler

Amanda and I are teaming up once again for New Hampshire Audubon’s Birdathon/Bloomathon 2015. We are excited to break our previous year’s number and also raise as much money as we can for New Hampshire Audubon!

Orchard Oriole

Baltimore Oriole

The Birdathon is a yearly event that takes place during the height of spring migration where teams from around the state compete in trying to find the most bird species within New Hampshire’s borders in 24 hours.

This is our 4th year participating in the event and we hope to keep raising the bar from previous year’s totals. In the 2014 Birdathon Amanda and I tallied 94 species total, and raised $530 – we hope to get over the 100 species mark this year and raise even more!

In the last few years we have learned a lot about birds and birding from the New Hampshire birding community and how important conservation efforts are to the communities and more importantly the wildlife. As our knowledge grows, so does our advocacy for conservation and we hope you will sponsor us and help us raise money for New Hampshire Audubon’s ongoing efforts.

Years past totals:

2014 – 94
2013 – 89
2012 – 69

Goal for this year: 105

Sponsor us today!
This is a fun way to raise money for a great purpose and allows us to give back by doing something we love. All of the proceeds go to NH Audubon Wildlife Sanctuaries.

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Contact me at kyle.wilmarth[at]gmail.com